There are a lot of debate and discourse today, as a reaction to the state of the work today brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The global society as a whole has been under tremendous stress today; fault lines which had been simmering underneath the veil of a 10 year market bull run now appear more obvious than ever.
To that, a lot of experts had offered varying opinions. I enjoy learning and listening to perspectives across a diverse spectrum (V? L? U? W?) but it’s clear to me that we are living in a time where no one truly knows how the world would look like in the near future.
Which is why I find Satya Nadella’s perspective in New York Times resonating:
Mr. Nadella sees the world going through three phases during the pandemic. The first is simply responding to the immediate impact through office closures, cost cuts and the like. Then comes recovery, which is already underway in many places, and will be more like a “dial” than a “switch.” He said, “There will be lots of movement of the dial, back and forth.”
In the “reimagining” phase, innovations born of necessity during the previous two phases will emerge, like remote control of manufacturing processes, A.I. bots helping diagnose patients and more effective distance-learning technologies.
It’s a simple and obvious framework, but inherently powerful in that it is optimistic and forward looking.
This is why I believe in the spirit of entrepreneurship. We don’t have to know how the future will pan out exactly, but we do know that if we work hard and have some good luck along the way, we will be able to reimagine and build a better tomorrow for ourselves, our communities and the world at large. The world needs more entrepreneurs and innovators, now more so than ever.
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